This is the 4th installment of Audio Up’s popular Webby-nominated “In Hell” series, which has spanned across Halloween, Valentine's Day and Prom.
In this series (Audio Up’s first Spanish-language project), a band from Cancun called Mensajeros del Mictlán are invited to an unknown music festival during Dia de Los Muertos, only to find that the festival has been organized by Satan himself. Satan and his followers are concerned that the number of Mexican citizens going to hell has dwindled lately and wonder if Dia De Los Muertos is standing in the way of his business. Satan plots to use music as a tool to recruit future residents of hell. Eventually, the band shows Satan - through a musical adventure - that it is necessary to expand one’s mind and horizons beyond what goes on in the underworld.
Packed with music from original Latin artists, Dia de Los Muertos in Hell promises to be one wild comedic adventure and journey through the depths of the underworld and beyond.